Pull It Up


Autumn is coming close and closer, and many of celebrities, bloggers are spotted on the street showing their autumn wardrobe. Over the knee boots is always a hit this time of year, and this season, its getting tight! Many designers choose to show every inches of the legs by using soft fitted materials.

The boots come out in velvet, suede, knit… just any soft fabrics you could think of. They are perfect match with shorts or skirt, its nice to see a bit of skin sometimes. It is also a great adding on an oversized jumper or cape.

降温啦!冷风呼呼吹,也吹来了秋天的气息~ 看到明星网红们都把秋衣穿上身了吗?你离时髦的她们,就只差一雙过膝长靴啦!这季的过膝长靴走的是贴腿风格,版型是越贴越好,面料是越柔软越好,就是要把逆天的长腿大方秀出来,除了要很靓的出街外还是要保暖的, 試試直接套件oversized羊毛披风,趁着“无裤风”正流行,就用过膝长靴来取代下身吧~ 或着穿个衬衣短裤搭配大衣,外表看似包的紧紧的,却心机的小露了点美腿,是不是简单又迷人呢?